MeasureCamp Stockholm
Christopher Beardsley
Analytics SpecialistA successful first edition
MeasureCamp is now a globally recognised event in the field of analytics and measurement. The idea for bringing it to Sweden was born out of frustration at the difficulty in obtaining tickets to the most popular version, namely the one in London. MeasureCamp is not like any other conference and prides itself on that very fact. MeasureCamp is an unconference, the schedule is created on the day and speakers are fellow attendees. Everyone is encouraged to discuss and participate in sessions, even to lead sessions themselves. You focus on what you find most interesting and useful.
Creating the schedule of the day
As a concept unconferences are designed to encourage discussions & exchange of ideas and have proven to be extremely popular in recent years.
Together with a group of talented and dedicated analysts (from Precis, Izettle, Ica, Curamando, Blocket, Esatto & SEB) we sat down approximately a year ago and decided to use our own time to ensure this event could become a success in Sweden and, specifically, Stockholm. I’m not sure we were quite prepared for how much work would be involved in putting the whole thing together, though. From chasing up potential sponsors to ensuring we ordered just the right amount of water for the participants on the day, every finer detail needed to be just right.
The hard work definitely paid off in the end with a very successful day seeing over 100 passionate data and analytics specialists from over 15 different countries gather in Stockholm. We’re still in the process of gathering feedback on the event to ensure it can be even better in 2020. So far, we’ve seen some very promising responses from well-respected people within the community. To the question “What was your overall impression of the event?” over half (52%) of the respondents answered 10/10 and the lowest answer was 7/10 which, for a free-to-attend event is, in the organising team’s humble opinion, very respectable.
The sessions on the day spanned a wide range of topics with everything from machine learning cases to thoughts and discussions around the impact of tracking prevention technologies introduced by an increasing number of browsers and much more.
It gives me a great deal of pride to see my own employer Precis Digital as one of the sponsors on the day, reaffirming my belief that Precis is a strong supporter of the growing analytics community here in Sweden and beyond.
Author Chris Beardsley on stage